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Address: Cahermore NS, Allihies, Beara, Co. Cork, P75R704

World Book Day 2025

Pancake Tuesday!

Flowers with Liz!

The children welcomed the dawn of a new spring wih a 'Spring Flower Workshop' with artist Liz O'Leary. 

The workshop was in collaboration with our Creative Schools Project. 



Global Citizenship

Our Green Schools inspector David Macilwraith our school recently, to examine the children on the theme of 'Global Citizenship - Litter & Waste'. The children shared their knowledge on the various topics including waste bins, recycling centres, clothes collections and repurposing of textiles, management of farm waste, effective management of household waste and hotel waste, charity work and their engagement in fundraising at the school; Fair Trade, Social Justice & Injustice and Global Goals for Sustainable Development. The inspector was very impressed with the children's enthusiasm and their level of knowledge on the topics. 

Credit Union Quiz 2024 Bantry

Clay - Master Paudie's Room 

Rang 4, 5 & 6 tested their skills with clay modelling and were delighted with their creations.

Cahermore N.S. - Soccer Tournament

Children in Rang 3, 4, 5 & 6 recently took part in a five aside 'in house' soccer tournament.

The tournament involved four mixed age teams - Foxes, Hares, Eagles & Badgers. Following some competitive closely fought games, the 'Eagles' eventually emerged victorious.

Daffodil bulb Planting

Carol Singing at St. Joseph's Hospital & Day Care Centre


Oh yes we did! Panto Trip 2024

On Thurs Dec 12th we headed off to the Everyman Theatre, Cork. All the pupils enjoyed the 

spectacular performance of 'Red Riding Hood' pantomime.


Well done to the children in Rang 4, 5 & 6 who raised €1, 190.25 at their Bake Sale

in aid of Cancer Connect. Míle Buíochas to all our pupils, parents, grandparents, family & friends

for your generosity and support. 

Béara Quiz

Cahermore N.S. team winners of the Béara Senior Quiz 2024

Edel Polly presented the team with a special trophy 'Monica Polly Perpetual Trophy' in memory

of her mother who was so much part of the Béara Quiz for a long number of years and who sadly

passed away December 2023. 

L-R Teagan, Kelsey, Edel Polly, Emily & Ruby


Well done also to our Junior Team Fintan, Ríoghan, Eoin & Fiachra who also

performed very well in the quiz

Well done Croíadh

Croíadh's story 'A West Cork Reindeer who saved Christmas' was one of a few selected

to be published in The Southern Star writing competition

Football Skills!

We are delighted to welcome Billy Murphy, Games Development Officer, Cork County Board 

to our school on Wednesdays. All the children are given an opportunity to develop their

football skills and partake in fun age appropriate activities. 

Snow! Snow! Snow!

November 21st 2024 - An unexpected but very welcome snow storm!

Fashion Design!

Science Week

Slán Annette & Mary!

Cahermore N.S., Allihies, Béara recently said goodbye to two dedicated members of the maintenance staff

of the school. Annette Tim O'Sullivan and Mary O'Sullivan retired following a combined service to the school

of over fifty years. At a recent presentation ceremony, Principal Pádraig O'Sullivan thanked Annette & Mary for their tremendous and loyal service to the school and wished them well in their retirement.


Coastwatch Ireland Shore Survey with Denis Walsh

Halloween Party

Halloween Haunted Houses

Rang 1, 2 & 3

Halloween Pumpkin Carving








FAI Soccer

Children of Cahermore N.S. were fortunate to have F.A.I soccer coach Alan Bennett

(formerly of Cork City & Brentford) visit the school. Alan did a coaching session with the children 

and presented them with t-shirts and footballs. 


As part of our Biodiversity/Global Citizenship Programme the pupils

in Rang 1 planted a tree on the school grounds

The children enjoyed an exciting and informative workshop with

Jennifer Farley - illustrator of childrens books

Fire Brigade Visit to Cahermore NS








Congratulations Ríoghan on receiving a

'Certificate of Commendation' Award in the Texaco Children Art Competition

Fáilte Naíonáin Bheaga

L-R Eva, Benny, Colm, Sarah, Rori-Mae, Cassian, Maggie, Kerrie, Oliver & Croíadh

Sports Day 2024

Coastline Workshop

Claire Kelly of Irish Whale & Dolphin Group, Ireland visited our school and gave an

interesting presentation on dolphins, whales and basking sharks. The children also enjoyed a guided

workshop at Cahermore Strand. 

School Tour (Infants)

Trip to Cahermore Strand 

School Tour 2024

Visit to Crag Cave & Crazy Cave Activity Centre, Castleisland, Co. Kerry

Rock Art - Rang 4, 5 & 6

Béara Camera Club Photographic Competition 2024

Congrats to Emily who won 2nd Place overall in the competition entitled 'Trees'

Maith Thú Emily 


Michael Dywer Festival

Some lovely dancing on display by our pupils at the Michael Dwyer Festival, Allihies.

Míle Buíochas to dance teacher Hannah Carney O'Sullivan who prepared

the children for the event.

Athletics Day 2024

Great fun was had by all our pupils who participated in the

'Riobard O'Dwyer' Athletics Event in Eyeries

Special mention to our medal winners on the day Dixie-Belle, Croíadh, Emily,

Aoife, Fiachra, Oisín, Róisín, Melaniia, Maxim & Nancy.

Montana Visit 

Visit from members of the West Cork Rapid Response Unit

The children gained an insight into the tremendous work done by an entirely

voluntary group 

Well done to all our boys and girls who took part

in the Sciath na Scol Competition 2024

Planting our summer seeds water melon, strawberries, tomatoes & cucumber

Thank you to our parents Kate & Mau for all the help and support 





Harvesting our winter produce in the polytunnel and making

delicious vegetable soup with our fresh vegetables



Planting our Wildflowers for the Bees 










Confirmation 2024

We welcome to our school community Melaniia, Sasha,

Yaraslav, Elmira, Pavlo, DavyA & Maxim 

Forest Workshop at Dunboy Woods

We were blessed with a beautiful day on Wed March 20th when we headed

off on our Forest Adventure to Dunboy Woods. The children had an opportunity to

partake in a guided workshop and explore the themes of biodiversity, history and art.


'Spring Planting'

The children were busy preparing our polytunnel for Spring planting. We planted 

chives, garlic, potatoes, broadbeans and carrots. Mom's Kate and Val were on hand

with the teachers to offer advice and lots of encouragement. 


Happy Mother's Day 

World Book Day 2024

We were delighted to welcome author, Alex Barclay to our library

for World Book Day. Children dressed up in a character from their favourite book 

and shared their thoughts on their chosen books. 


5 a side Soccer Tournament

Our 5 a side soccer team participated in an inter schools Competition in Castletownbere.

Well done Oisín, Donal, Daithí, Adam, Féile and Keeva.

Our first Daffodil!

Pancóga go leor!





















Save those lids!

The children are busy collecting bottle/jar lids for our 'Recycling Art Projects'

The work is ongoing on our Green Flag Theme - Global Citizenship

Keeping the traditions Alive!

St. Bridget's Day 

The children were busy making St. Bridget's Crosses on Feb 01st welcoming the dawn of a new Spring

Titanic Constructions (Rang 4, 5 & 6)

The Sky is the Limit!

Solar System creations from Rang 1, 2 & 3


Sharing the love....Visit to St. Joseph's Hospital

& Day Care Centre, Castletownbere

Pupils from Cahermore N.S. presenting a cheque of €693.50 (proceeds of their bake sale)

to Nurse Susan Power of the Day Care Centre and her team. The money will provide

much needed resources for the Centre.


Tennis Lessons

Thank you Stuart, our tennis instructor for all the positive encouragment and for

helping us develop our skills.


We were delighted to welcome our

 I.N.T.O. President Dorothy McGinley to Cahermore N.S. 

Mrs.Monica Polly R.I.P. Past Principal of Cahermore N.S.

Ar dheis Dé go raibh sí.

Panto Trip 

Beauty and the Beast!

Bake Sale 2023

In aid of Castletownbere Day Care Centre

Well done to our Bakers in Rang 4, 5 & 6 !

Planting our Daffodil Bulbs for the Spring 

Well Done Kenzie!

Kenzie's Christmas story 'A Christmas Wish' was one of the few selected to be published in the Southern Star writing competition.

Science Week 2023

Budding Scientists hard at work in the lab!











Team Hope Christmas Shoebox Appeal 2023

The Team Hope Christmas Shoebox Appeal is an annual campaign where thousands of people across Ireland donate shoeboxes filled with gifts for children affected by poverty in countries in Africa and Eastern Europe. It is an opportunity to share a little joy and excitement with children who live in circumstances where these can often be in short supply. 

Halloween 2023

Beara Schools Quiz

Well done to Ryan, Kelsey, Aoife & Emily (Junior Team) and Donal, Ruby, Adam & Féile (Senior Team) who

represented Cahermore N.S. at the Béara Schools Quiz 2023.

Congratulations to Féile, Donal, Adam & Ruby pictured with their trophies for Second Place

in the Senior Category. 


Walls of Allihies Competition 2023

Congratulations to our winners Adam, Keeva & Emily pictured with Jim O'Donoghue

who kindly organised the competition 


Coastwatch Ireland Survey with Denis Walsh

ARC - Aquaculture Remote Classroom

B.I.M's ARC visited the school in September. Pupils from Rang 4, 5 & 6 enjoyed an informative

and interactive workshop based on the aquaculture of our native waters.  The staff of B.I.M were very 

impressed with the level of knowledge the children had on local aquaculture.

Yummy Soup!

Rang 1, 2 & 3 were busy making delicious vegetable soup, using produce from our polytunnel.


Sail Car Project


Naí Bheaga 2023/2024

L-R Darragh, Chloe, Róisín, Farah and Scott

Slán le Rang 6

Rang 5 & 6 - Trip to Dursey Island 

Kingdom Rebel Béara Skills Competition 2023

(In memory of Garda Aidan Cremin)

Well done to Féile, Keeva, Setanta, Finín, Zach & Saoirse

who represented their school at the Kingdom Rebel Skills Competition.

Congrats to our boys team of Setanta, Finín & Zach who won the overall boys competition.

Huge congrats to Finín who won the top overall individual award. Maith Thú Finín!

Trip to Cahermore Strand - Junior & Senior Infants and Rang 1







School Tour 2023

Visit to Muckross Farm Killarney & Water Bus Tour of the Lake of Killarney







Sports Day 2023








Michael Dwyer Festival 2023

Well done to all the pupils of Cahermore NS for their excellent Irish Dance performance.

Thank you to Hannah from Scoil Rince Carney for your great tuition.




Lifetime Labs

The children of Rang 4, 5 & 6 visited the Lifetime Labs, Cork City. This provided an opportunity for the children to 

partake in 'hands on' experiments in the science lab.


Fire Brigade & Coast & Cliff head West!







Riobard O'Dwyer Sports Day 

Well done to all our pupils who participated in the 'Riobard O'Dwyer' Sports Day in Eyeries. Special congrats to our medal winners!

All Aboard!

On a beautiful sunny afternoon, the pupils of Cahermore N.S. enjoyed

a visit from Cork Harbour Master, Mr. Paul O'Regan



Green Flag - Biodiversity

David Macilwraith (Green School Officer) seen awarding the happy pupils

of Cahermore NS with their Biodiversity Flag.

The children presented David with some produce from our polytunnel. He was very impressed!




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